Shravan Srinivasan
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Sri Sankara Vidyalaya Matriculation Higher Secondary School
Sri Sankara Vidyalaya Matriculation Higher Secondary School
B.Tech, Information Technology
Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering
MS, Artificial Intelligence
Northwestern University
Department of Information Technology, SVCE
Mentoring students in the field of AI by delivering technical talks and judging competitions hosted by the Department of Information Technology. Involved in designing lab plans for bigdata laboratory and Data Science Laboratory by including cutting edge technologies which are required as an industry skillset.
The Data Science Club, SVCE
Spear-headed 15+ events dealing with Guest Lectures, Hackathons, Placement training and peer-mentoring sessions dealing with Data Science.
Forum of Data Science Engineers (FODSE), SVCE
Took classes for freshmen and sophomore years in advancement of their skillset in the field of AI. Two of the teams I mentored were the finalists of the Smart India Hackathon conducted by the Government of India in the year 2022.
Computer Society of India, SVCE
Organised and headed the first ever event conducted in college after the global pandemic hit. Conducted 7 guest lectures, 2 hackathons and took training classes for the seniors on the occasion of placements.
Association of Information Technologists, SVCE
Organised over 12 guest lectures, 4 hackathons and one national level symposium for the department of information technology.
DDOS attacks are a calamity nowadays. This project serves as a comparative study of the detection of DDOS attacks especially ROQ attacks. The paper deals by comparing RNN with CNN on accuracy metrics.
ADITI is a project which deals with the detection and training interface of autistic children. This project served to be a pinnacle of success in the field of Health AI as this went on to practically help children suffering from autism slowly get adaptive to societal behaviours and improve their cognitive skills
The attention provided by the students in class is very important factor in terms of knowledge. There is a threshold value where the number of minutes the student’s eye does not focus under the monitor exceeds, then he/she will be marked with an input. This way the focus would be improved in class.
LPR involves image processing to detect the plate region, character segmentation and OCR to recognize the plate number. The plate region is scanned for text using Tesseract OCR and the text is extracted. Template matching is used to check whether the plate complies to the standards defined by the government.